
DMH SNMP Agent on Keil MDK Middleware Platform

DMH Advanced SNMP-Agent SDK is available for the various Keil Platforms. Specifically the Keil MDK Middleware platform. All SNMP versions are fully supported: SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and the full SNMPv3.

DMH SNMP-Agent is fully integrated with the Keil C software platform: CMSIS-RTOS/RTX kernel, and the Middleware/TCP-IP (IPv4, IPv6) Protocol Stack. The Agent is available in Source Code SDK form and for some platforms, the Binary SDK is available.

Keil and DMH partner to provide a robust, reliable, and fast SNMP-Agent solution on Keil platforms. The teams work together to provide a fully integrated SNMP-Agent solution on Keil platforms.

The Keil platform consists of CMSIS-RTOS/RTX kernel, and the Keil Middleware/TCP-IP Stack. It is designed for real-time embedded systems. The SNMP-Agent is typically used in networked devices.

Please see more information about Keil MDK here the Keil MDK . For verification, DMH used the Keil MDK ARM C/C++ compiler. We built the SNMP-agent for the Keil ARM platform: CMSIS-RTOS/RTX, and Keil TCP-IP Stack.

In the integration project, we built and tested the SNMP-Agent for the STM32F7 Discovery board (STM32F746NGH6 ARM Cortex-M7), using the Keil uVision development environment. The Keil team provided an excellent fast and reliable support.