

User Datagram Protocol - The TCP/IP standard protocol that allows an application program on one machine to send a datagram to an application program on another machine. UDP uses the IP to deliver datagrams. UDP includes a protocol port number, allowing for multiplexing. RFCs 768, 1071.

The UDP/IP source-package provides the basic software modules that are needed by an IP Node on the Internet. It gives a system an IP "identity". The UDP/IP stack serves as a basis for SNMP implementation over UDP.

The product can be used for other purposes, such as BOOTP for system bootstrapping, Memory-Image down-load using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), or other user applications.

This product conforms to the relevant up-to-date RFCs (generally, all of the components conform to RFC 1122, and RFC 1123). The software package is a relatively small, simple, portable software product that is easy to integrate as a sub-component in a larger system. Naturally, the product serves as a basis for SNMP implementation over UDP. The product can be used for other purposes, such as code down-loading using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).

DMH IP-stack main Features:

  • Extremely flexible architecture, designed to be integrated in any given system/environment. It requires minimum set of services from the hosting-system and makes no assumptions about the underline operating system.
  • Designed and implemented for a real-time operating environment. There are no data copies in both the inbound or outbound direction. The overhead at any level is minimal.
  • CPU Architecture independent, support for big-endian or little-endian.
  • Meets all the relevant requirements specified by rfc1122.
  • Hooks to all relevant managed objects as defined by mib-ii (currently rfc1213)
  • TCP is an optional component and can be used in cases where needed. Otherwise the UDP/IP stack is a stand-alone system.
  • ICMP is fully supported. An API for ICMP echo (ping) is offered.
  • IP sub-network addresses are fully supported. There is no restriction on the subnet-mask.
  • There are no blocking calls inside the stack
  • Memory control and management is done outside the stack by the hosting-system. There are no memory copy inside the stack.
  • The code is ANSI "C", very well documented and structured. Many explanation and references to various RFCs inside the code. The source code can serve as a tutorial.
  • The source code is furnished with a set of flexible Makefiles that designed to be customized to a specific development environment and tools (compiler, linker etc.).
  • Interfaces Support, include of Ethernet, Token-Ring, and serial interfaces
  • Portability to Different Platform Architectures: including 16 & 32 bit, RISC & CISC, normal & reverted byte order processors. Specifically: Intel, Motorola, Sparc and more.